Date(s) - 7 Jun 2018 until 11 Jun 2018
12:00 AM - 11:59 PM
Clayton Hotel, Belfast
The Joint European Area Seminar will take place at the Clayton Hotel, Belfast, Northern Ireland, from Thursday 7th to Monday 11th June 2018, bringing together women from across the two European units of the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women (WFM&UCW) – Britain and Ireland, and Europe Continental.
The theme for the Seminar is “Chosen People, Called to Proclaim”, and in a varied programme of worship, keynote speakers, fellowship, bible study and workshops we will explore what this means in our worship, in our relationships and in social action.
You do not have to be affiliated with MWiB or WFM&UCW to attend the Seminar.
A poster to display in your church is available to download below, along with Seminar information and registration form.
You can also request these documents by email:
by post: JAS Belfast, MWiB, P.O. Box 9298, Loughborough LE11 9FY
or by telephone: 0300 030 9873