World Officers
World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women

My Story
I am a Counselor, l studied Systemic Counseling- Family Therapy.
I value the basic beliefs and doctrine of the Methodist church, seminars, and leadership trainings I attended of which l believe led me to be where l am today, as World President of the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women 2022 – 2026, being the first black woman from Africa in the 83 years of this organization.
I was elected Ruwadzano society secretary in 1983 a year after getting bloused as full member of the Women’s Fellowship which we call Ruwadzano/Manyano in our two vernacular languages and rose through the ranks to be Connexional Treasurer from 2000 – 2005.
It was when l was Ruwadzano/Manyano (Women’s Fellowship) Connexional Treasurer that my journey in the Federation began. I attended my first World Assembly of the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women in Loughborough England in 2001. Four women from Zimbabwe attended including Mrs Cynthia Pozzo who was the outgoing Area President for Southern and East Africa. It was a happy moment for us at the end of the Assembly when we witnessed Mrs Cynthia Pozzo elected World Vice President. The World Federation is a place where I think Methodist women should be in, if one wants to advance in all dimensions. It is a place where you meet women from diverse background, multicultural and intergenerational environment, l really enjoyed being there and will never forget my first experience.
Having been inspired by the theme then “Go in Faith and Share God’s Healing Grace” I came back and shared with the women l was working with in the Ruwadzano Executive, and felt it was my duty to share and inform the other two Methodist churches in Zimbabwe which are United Methodist and African Methodist Episcopal about the federation. I was happy because the response was positive. I was then invited to
the United Methodist Executive meeting by the President Mrs. Gretta Nhiwatiwa to share my experience and the little l knew about this great sisterhood.
In 2004 l attended an Area Seminar in Cape Town South Africa with Mrs. Elizabeth Goredema and Cynthia Pozzo as World Vice President, there l was elected Area Vice President for 2006—2011. When l came back myself, Mrs. C Pozzo and Sister Violet Matani embarked on road shows in Zimbabwe, concertizing women about the existence of the WFMUCW and what a great sisterhood it was, the road shows took us to Bulawayo, Gweru, Mutare, Marondera and Masvingo, these are provinces in Zimbabwe. On one trip, we were accompanied by Mrs. Adelaide Sithole as Connexional President (Unit President) in each gathering l shared my experience and encouraged women to join this fellowship. Methodist Church in Zimbabwe, United Methodist and African Methodist Episcopal then agreed to meet once a year in November for a weekend of fellowship as federation, rotating hosting in different towns. This has been adhered to religiously until Covid19 restrictions. It is my prayer that these meetings will resume.
In 2011 Rev Ellen Chimowa was elected Helen Kim Scholar and attended the 12th World Assembly young women leadership course a week before the assembly all expenses paid for, this happened when l was Area Vice President, and in 2017 when l was Area President of the Southern and East Africa, Mrs Ester Macheka Chanakira was a recipient of the federation Bossey scholarship which saw her going to Switzerland to study a course of her choice. Yeukai Mbangani the former youth president in the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe is one of our Helen Kim students for 2022—2026, the other one is Nyashadzashe Nemacha from United Methodist Church they will be travelling to Brazil to continue with their leadership course. These are some of the achievements in this great organization. I have enjoyed this journey in the Federation being a leader in my area for 11 years. I give Glory to God for He was with me throughout and l keep trusting Him.
I have attended four Area Seminars and five World Assemblies.
2004 Cape Town South Africa 2009 HICC Harare Zimbabwe 2014 Cape Town South Africa 2019 Nairobi Kenya
2001 Loughborough England. 2006 Jeju Island South Korea. 2011 Johannesburg South Africa 2016 Houston Texas USA 2022 Virtually
It was at the 14th World Assembly which was held virtually where l was elected World President 2022 – 2026
Theme : Go and Bear Fruit, Fruit that Will Last.
Sipiwe Chisvo World President

Alison Judd
President Emerita
Europe: Britain and Ireland Area
[Britain, The Methodist Church in Britain]
My Story
Nearly thirty years ago, the verse Acts 1:8 became very important to me. ‘But you will receive power
when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and
Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.’ Since then, I have indeed been enabled to witness God at
work ‘here, there and everywhere’ especially as I have had the privilege of serving as Area President
for Britain and Ireland 2011-2016 and as the Federation’s World President 2016-2022 and now as
President Emerita.
I am grateful to God for making that possible. I have enjoyed opportunities to meet women at the
World Assemblies in South Korea, Johannesburg and Houston, and at every Area Seminar during my
term as President. The 14 th World Assembly, being totally online, was a challenge but God-enabled. I
have discovered the power of prayer to see me through such challenges. Now I pray for the new
leadership team I serve alongside. There is much to do to be faithful to the vision of Helen Kim, our
founder. Together, we must continue to build a strong sisterhood of women who will ‘Know Christ
and make Him known’ and strive to rid the world of poverty, injustice and violence.
Ivonne Pereira-Diaz
World Vice President
Latin America Area
[Chile, Iglesia Metodista de Chile]
My Story
the highest segment of the Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean.
Active member of the Methodist Church of Chile, First Church of Talcahuano
Married, two children and three grandchildren. Social and Community Assistant. with
theological studies.
I have knowledge of the World Federation through the Methodist Women’s Federation of
Chile, (with 100 years of service) since its inception they joined it until today.
En español
Vice presidenta Mundial Ivonne Lorena Pereira Díaz. Chilena.
Chile está situado a lo largo de la costa occidental del cono sur de Sudamérica, entre el
segmento más alto de la Cordillera de los Andes y el Océano Pacífico.
Miembro activa de la Iglesia Metodista de Chile, Primera Iglesia de Talcahuano
Casada, dos hijos y tres nietos. Asistente Social y Comunitaria. Con estudios teológicos.
Tengo conocimientos de la Federación Mundial a través de la Federación Femenina
Metodista de Chile, (con 100 años de servicio) desde sus inicios se unieron a ella hasta

Ngui Ting
World Treasurer
East Asia Area
[Hong Kong, The Methodist Church]
My Story
Louise Wilson
World Secretary
Europe: Britain and Ireland Area
[Ireland, The Methodist Church in Ireland]
My Story
Louise Wilson has been involved with the WFMUCW since attending her first Area Seminar in 1998. Since then Louise has attended three European Seminars, as well as three World Assemblies and served as the Area Vice-President for Europe – Britain & Ireland from 2001 to 2006. She is a past President of the Methodist Women in Ireland and continues to serve on its General Executive. Louise is passionate about enabling others to recognize and release their gifts in God’s service and has a real desire to see the development of meaningful inter-generational relationships among women. She studied Psychology, trained as a Lecturer in Higher Education and currently works as the Training & Development Officer for the Methodist Church in Ireland. She is based in the Methodist Church in Ireland’s Theological College where she facilitates courses in Pastoral Care and Prayer Ministry and has oversight of training for Local Preachers. Louise is married to Tom and together they have a son and daughter-in-law, two daughters and three grandchildren. In her spare time she loves to travel and also enjoys baking, cooking, reading, theatre, cinema and dining out.