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The World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women

What is the World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women?

The World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women (formerly World Federation of Methodist Women) is a fellowship of such officially recognized groups of Methodist, United and Uniting Church Women organized in Units from the respective participating nations to affirm its purpose “To Know Christ and To Make Him Known”. National Units are combined within nine geographical Areas. The Area and Unit Officers co-ordinate programs and provide a global network for sharing information on program activities.

What is the aim of the organization?

The World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women (WFMUCW) seeks to aid in establishing Christ’s Kingdom among all peoples and in all areas of life; to share the abundant life of Christ through evangelism, healing ministries, education and social services: to assist in the promotion of mission outreach throughout the world: to seek with women of all continents, fellowship and mutual help in the building of a Christian community, and to develop bonding links and partnership with women of other Christian Churches, ecumenical bodies, and the United Nations in promoting peace and justice.

What is its purpose?

To be a support group for women acting as a catalyst in their faith and actions; to promote the interests of women in all areas of life, in spiritual growth, equality, development and peace; to work towards the recognition of the equal status of women; to facilitate, encourage and actively promote leadership training for women; to be a voice for Methodist, United and Uniting Church women.

Our Prayer

Written by World Federation of Methodist Women (WFMW) Executive Members (1986-1991)

Creator God,

Rooted in your loving care,

Nurtured through your son Jesus,

Challenged by your Holy Spirit

We are in the World

To bring peace with justice

Reconciliation in love,

And hope for all people

May our lives extend as the branches of our Tree of Life

Bearing fruits of Unity and Love

We offer praise and thanksgiving

Through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The Federation Song

Lyrics by Oknah Kim Lah, modified by Ann Connan. Music by John McRae

“To know Christ and to make him known”:
this we believe and shall proclaim.
We are Federation women here,
all daughters in God’s family.


From high mountains and oceans wide,
we’ll praise our one Creator God.
We will sing our song of liberty,
we’ll sing our song of unity.


To love Christ and to spread his love:
this we believe and shall proclaim.
We are Federation women here
from scattered isles and mighty plains.


East and west, and from north and south,
we’ll praise our one redeemer Lord.
We will sing our song of love and hope,
we’ll sing our song of peace and joy.


Our Declaration of Commitment

Written by World Federation of Methodist Women (WFMW) Executive Members (1991-1996)


in God, who gave life to us and all creation.
in Jesus Christ, Emmanuel, God with us, who died,
is risen, ascended, and will come again.
in the Holy Spirit, who is within us to inspire and direct,
to empower and strengthen
For Christ is risen Christ is risen indeed. Alleluia!


that the earth is the Lord’s and all that is in it;
all that God has made was very good.
that Jesus came that all might have life and have it in fullness.
that we are called to go and make disciples of all nations.
that we are bound together as one family.
that we seek ‘To Know Christ and To Make Him Known’.
For Christ is risen Christ is risen indeed. Alleluia!


that our lives have often denied what we have professed.
that we have sometimes failed to see in our neighbors
those for who Christ died.
that we have erected and maintained
barriers of race, class and gender.
Although we have sinned , we can know
the assurance of forgiveness
and begin anew to follow the Living Savior.
For Christ is risen Christ is risen indeed. Alleluia!


to worship God in spirit and in truth.
to further the work of God’s Kingdom among all people
to uphold and live Christ’s way in all areas of life.
to love the Lord our God with all our heart and soul,
with all our mind and strength.
to love our neighbours as ourselves.
For Christ is risen Christ is risen indeed. Alleluia!