Leadership Development Training
A Program to Inspire Young Women
World Federation has had an emphasis on the welfare of the ‘Girl Child’ for many years, and it has become one of World Federation’s major justice issues.
This commitment to the welfare of girl children and young women has found new expression with the introduction of the Helen Kim Memorial Scholarship which offers Leadership Development Training for Young Women.
This Program is named in honour of Helen Kim, a young Korean woman who had a noble, Christ-inspired vision of a world sisterhood. She dreamt of a time when women would work together ‘to promote peace and better conditions in the whole world’. It is also to inspire young women with visions of a world where there is hope for the hopeless; security for the insecure; sufficient for the impoverished; freedom for the oppressed; and a voice for the voiceless.
Criteria for participation in this Scholarship
Two young women from each of the World Federation Areas will be given the opportunity to attend the World Federation World Assembly.
This will be preceded by a Leadership Development Training Program where they will:
- acquire skills from an expert in this field;
- participate in community building amongst young women from all Areas;
- build relationships with members of the Executive Committee and World Federation’s Representatives to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
Eligibility for Selection
Helen Kim Memorial Scholars will be:
- aged between 18 and 30 years at the time of the World Federation World Assembly.
- committed members of a Methodist, United or Uniting Church;
- involved in women’s issues and/or church work;
- persons who have shown leadership abilities;
- able to state ways in which they would be able to share their newly acquired skills;
- nominated by a member of their local World Federation Unit;
- endorsed by their minister and Unit President.

Selection Processes
- The World Secretary will send two Helen Kim Memorial Scholarship Application Forms to each Unit in the first week of August, one year prior to the World Assembly.
- Completed Application Forms must be submitted to their World Federation Area Presidents by October 31st one year prior to the World Assembly.
- The Area President will, in consultation with her Area Vice President, short-list four persons from the applications officially received, and forward their preferred names to the World Officers for the final selection.
- The World Officers will inform the Areas of all the names of the scholars selected by December 15th, one year prior to the World AsseInbly.
Financial Implications
- The World Federation will provide two Helen Kim Memorial Scholars from each Area with accommodation and travel costs.
- All Units are to contribute to the travel costs of the Scholars. (See “Fund Raising”) After the 18 Helen Kim Memorial Scholars have been selected, confirmed and fully funded, if nominating Units wish to send candidates from the remainder of the original list, they may do so at their own expense.
Fund Raising
- Each World Federation Unit will be requested to pay a designated amount appropriate to the costs of the program in that quinquennium.
- Individual donations and legacies will encouraged.
- Each Unit will be encouraged to raise funding through special collections at Area gatherings / functions using creative ways or ideas relevant to their community.
- Other appropriate organisations and trusts could approached for grants and donations.
The Helen Kim Memorial Scholarship Capital Funds
A Capital Fund will provide income on an ongoing basis to enable the Helen Kim Memorial Scholarship, Leadership Development Training for Young Women to be developed in every quinquennium.
It is expected that the costs each time for holding the Helen Kim Memorial Scholarship Leadership Development Training Program for Young Women will be similar, unless it is held in one of the more expensive travel regions of the world, such as the South Pacific Area.

Helen Kim Memorial Scholars Booklet