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2016 Executive  Decisions on Membership

Membership Fees

With rising costs for all aspects of the Federation work and life, and the need to fund the production of the Tree of Life without subscriptions because it is now on-line, an increase in membership fees has been necessary.

In 2016, the Executive voted to increase the membership fee to US 10 cents per member per year. That is, US 50 cents per member for the Quinquennium.

Rights and Responsibilities

Membership in the World Federation is dependent on Units paying their membership fees.

When a Unit has paid their fees (or been granted an exemption or received sponsorship through the World Treasurer) they are entilted to:

  • a vote at the World Assembly,
  • accommodation for the Unit President at the World Assembly.

When the Helen Kim Memorial Scholarship Fee is paid the Unit may nominate a candidate for that scholarship.

When to Pay?

We advise that you collect the fees annually, but if you have difficulty making foreign currency exchanges, you only pass on payments to the World Treasurer at your Area Seminar and the World Assembly. This will make it easier for you and avoid excessive bank charges and exchange fees.

If you have NO DIFFICULTY getting money out of your country, or foreign curreny exchanges, PLEASE PAY ANNUALLY to the World Treasurer.

The Federation funds are not healthy and your World Officers will not be able to visit your Area without an improvement in the payment of Membership Fees.


Any Unit which is unable to pay their fees and requests an exemption may be paired with a Unit in their Area which is able to offer sponsorship for a period of time.

Units which are able to offer sponsorship in this way should contact the World Treasurer to be matched with a Unit needing help.

 Amnesty on Payment

If Units are unable to pay their annual fees for legitimate reasons – such as natural disasters or political upheaval in their country, leading to financial difficulties – they are to write to the World Treasurer to explain the situation and request a temporary exemption while that situation continues. Those Units in this situation who attempt to pay a portion of their fees will be considered very favourably for an exemption.