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President’s Page

President's News
April 12, 2017

2017 Easter Message

It feels as though spring has arrived in the UK. Blossom decks the trees in our tiny garden and the aubrietia is a vibrant purple. Whether it is spring or autumn, the dry or rainy season in your part of the world, a garden can be a space in which…
President's Prayer
April 1, 2017

A Call to Pray – April 2017

God of the dark days, God of the dawn, in your risen glory you call us by name. Help us to follow you, help us to share our Easter joy. We give thanks to our faithful God: that every member of the World Executive arrived safely in Chicago for the…
President's Prayer
March 8, 2017

A Call to Pray – March 2017

‘God our Father, loves us. He is kind and has given us eternal comfort and a wonderful hope.’ 1 Timothy 2: 16 Let us give God thanks: for the joy of sharing in worship and prayer together with our brothers and sisters; for the joy of serving a living, forgiving…
President's Thoughts
March 1, 2017

President’s Letter – March 2017

President’s Letter - March 2017 March is a significant month for women. It’s not just because it is my birthday month! It begins with the World Day of Prayer Service, this year prepared by the women of the Philippines. If you are unable to attend the service, always on the…
President's Prayer
February 1, 2017

A Call to Pray – February 2017

‘God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.’ Psalm 46:1 ‘Trust in the Lord for ever, for in the Lord God you have an everlasting rock.’ Isaiah 26:4 Let us give thanks to our faithful God: for the courage shown by Bishop Hannah Faal- Heim, as…