We raise funds for the World Federation so we can continue and develop:
- our representation at UN level in New York, Latin America and, potentially, Geneva
- training and enabling of young women through the Helen Kim Memorial Scholarship (HKMS) programme
- bringing women together in our Area Meetings
- holding two Executive meetings between Assemblies
- travel for World Officers to attend eight Area Seminars
- the Weaving Together Programme for Unit Presidents and Area Officers
- enabling sustainable partnerships across nine Areas
- supporting Units to engage in the work of empowering women in their communities
- covering the expenses of our officers, all of whom are volunteers
- covering the expense of publicity and maintaining our website
- meetings between World Officers and the local arrangements committee (LAC) in preparation for the next World Assembly.
At the business meeting in our 13th World Assembly, we took the courageous step of raising it to 10 cents per member per year. The same amount was agreed at the business meeting of the 14th (online) World Assembly. Why?
During the last 10 years, we have faced several challenges:
- bank interest rates dropped to almost nothing, reducing our investment income
- our investments were depleted when we lost around $200,000 in a previous quinquennium
- the cost of living world-wide went up enormously
- the needs of the world have increased but we can’t respond without more money for our programs and our UN work
- we made inadequate surplus from the 13th Assembly to fund another one in 5 years.
The levy amounts to less than the cost of one cup of coffee per quinquennium (50 cents). Women need to be challenged to value the Federation enough to want to give it at least this amount.
Share your imaginative ideas for fund-raising by emailing world.president@wfmucw.org with the details.
We are grateful to our supporters:
- the United Women in Faith for providing an annual grant of $10,000 to enable up to two young women to attend a short course offered by the Bossey Institute in Switzerland.
- Individuals who donate via our website ‘Donate button’ facility.
- Individuals who remember the World Federation in their wills.
- Some Units, that are financially stronger, support those less able to pay if they request this from the World Treasurer.
- We understand that some Units do not operate as a membership movement but it is hoped that such Units would support the Federation as generously as possible. For example, Methodist Women in Britain (MWiB) which is not a membership organisation but functions as the British Unit, give a generous amount from central MWiB funds on the basis of an estimate of the total number of Methodist Women in the British Methodist Connexion.
We now have safeguards in place to protect our funds. We have an experienced and trusted World Treasurer who works with a finance task group and the Executive to ensure our funds are used appropriately. For more information, contact the World Treasurer at world.treasurer@wfmucw.org