Focus on Latin America
O God, in whom we trust, we wait upon you to hear our cry for help.
Give us a vision of your will for us.
Pour your love into our hearts, compassion into our words, kindness into our actions.
Show us how to support one another with tenderness
and live in unity to serve you and make Christ known. Amen
This month we pray with and for the people of Latin America, now considered the new epicentre of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to the sadness of seeing people affected by the corona virus, there is ongoing suffering with an economic crisis, corruption, a poor health care system, social inequality, domestic violence against women and rising unemployment.
So we pray:
- for governments and all who have a role in decision making, that God may give them wisdom to consider not only the economic issues but people’s health and wellness too.
- for many who have lost their jobs and businesses and who are struggling financially.
- for health care systems, mainly the public ones, providing access to less favoured groups.
- for justice and an end to corruption, including frauds in health supplies purchases.
- for love and peace in the families. The number of women that suffer domestic violence in this time has increased enormously. Many married couples and families are struggling to live well under the same roof for such a long time as we are advised to stay home to contain the spread of the virus. Many are feeling lonely and desperate, especially the elderly and other people most vulnerable to infection.
- for our local churches, that we may see new opportunities to serve God in these difficult times.
We give thanks:
- that a new venue has been booked for the Area Congress, postponed to 10-13 June 2021, in Brazil.
- for doctors and other professionals who bravely keep working to provide essential services.
- for all manifestations of love and solidarity: people donating to important causes or doing small but significant acts of kindness for each other, making individuals feel loved and cherished at this time.
- for the energy of the Latin America Area Federation leaders who are encouraging more Units to join.
- for their commitment to translating the World Federation resources from English into Spanish and Portuguese so that many other women are able to access it.
- for their increasing use of technology to stay connected, through live-streamed events, Whatsapp and Zoom.
- for spiritual encouragement through studies and reflections prepared by Geny Amorim.
- for the two Helen Kim Memorial Scholars, Karen Landa (Peru) and Luiza Pereira (Brazil) whose marriage to Luiz took place in July.
We ask God to bless:
- the live-streamed event on 18th August, the day of the Confederation of Latin America and the Caribbean.
- the World Officers who meet via Zoom on 24th and 26th August.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers. Amen