‘The word is near you, on your lips and in your heart’ Romans 10:8
Give thanks that as we approach the end of the first year of this quinquennium, we have much to celebrate.
Our wonderful Helen Kim Scholars contributing their skills and abilities within their Units and Areas.
Methodist Church Zimbabwe celebrating 40 years of autonomy and 40 years of women’s ordination this month.
World Day of Prayer International Executive Committee Meeting in Brazil 20-25 August. Theme: Seeking wisdom to care for God’s creation (Genesis 1). Leila Barbosa, Area President for Latin America, is to attend this meeting as an observer.
The many instances where the church is providing support and hospitality for refugees and asylum seekers.
Progress being made towards planning for next year’s Area Seminars, in Myanmar, Ireland, Fiji, Ghana and Trinidad.
Please remember in your prayers those of our World Executive who are battling with health issues, particularly our World Secretary, Mataiva Robertson.
Pray for those suffering from the cholera outbreak in the Yemen, where nearly 80% of children need urgent humanitarian assistance.
Pray for those suffering from persecution because they have dared to proclaim their faith in Jesus Christ.
Pray for those grieving the loss of a child to war, or famine or illness in mind or body.
Pray for those who are caring for older, infirm family members.
Living Lord, word of life, come near to all those who suffer and all those who celebrate today. Help each to call on your name and know your presence in their heart. Forgive us when we doubt you. Show us all how to take opportunities to proclaim your faithful love for all people. Amen.